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The Provincial Grand Master

John Lockley (the Head of Freemasonry in Staffordshire)

Thank you for looking at our website and for thinking about Freemasonry.

We are a Society which values friendship, charity and the pursuit of integrity above other ambitions. You can trawl the internet for information about us, but do not believe all you come across or read. We are incredibly open about our beliefs and our meetings. It is easy to contact a Lodge which is near to you and find out more about us, face to face.

Our beliefs are compatible with all religions which believe in a Supreme Power. As a member you will never be asked to do anything which is incompatible with your civil, moral or religious duties and you are not allowed to use your membership for personal advantage.

If you are interested we will be happy to talk to you. Please make use of the contact numbers and e-mail addresses on our contact page.

For me Freemasonry is a way of life, if we all lived by its values, the world would be a much better place.

Click here to view the UGLE Mission Statement

The Grand Superintendent

Michele Santopietro (the Head of Royal Arch Masonry in Staffordshire)

Welcome to the Royal Arch in Staffordshire.

The Royal Arch is considered to be the completion of Pure and Antient Freemasonry and continues a Master Mason's journey to discovery. As such, it shares a unique partnership and close working relationship with the Craft.

Although the first three degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason) are governed by the United Grand Lodge of England, and the Royal Arch is governed by the Supreme Grand Chapter of England, in real terms we are one organisation.

The Provincial Grand Master and myself represent this unique partnership by working closely together across a wide range of joint activities that seek to attract, inform, develop and engage the members of our Province. Enjoyment remains at the very heart of all that we do!

With these things in mind, it is hoped that every Master Mason will give serious consideration to continuing their journey from Initiation in the Craft, to Exaltation as a Companion in the Royal Arch.

Click here to find out more.

Staffordshire Craft Officers

Dave Thomas Nicholas Collumbell Mark Sewell
Deputy Provincial
Grand Master
David Thomas
Click here for profile
Assistant Provincial
Grand Master
John Derry
Click here for profile
Assistant Provincial
Grand Master
Jeremy Roberts
Click here for profile
Provincial Senior
Grand Warden
Nicholas Collumbell
Click here for profile
Provincial Junior
Grand Warden
Mark Ashton
Click here for profile

Staffordshire Royal Arch Officers

Ralph Howarth Paul Lockley Paul Foster Paul Crutchley
Deputy Grand
Ralph Howarth
Click here for profile
2nd Provincial
Grand Principal
Paul Lockley
Click here for profile
3rd Provincial
Grand Principal
Paul Foster
Click here for profile
Scribe N
Paul Crutchley
Click here for profile

A brief history of our Province

The first recorded Lodge of 'free and accepted Masons' is evidenced in the diary of Elias Ashmole, the renowned Lichfieldian, Antiquary and Founder of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.
He records being made a Freemason in 1646 at a Lodge held at his father-in-law's house at Warrington.
Ashmole listed those present and none had any connection with operative stonemasons.

For an indepth history of our Province, click here to download a PDF document


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